Services PSS offer:


Full construction service – we build it for you with 20 year guarantee.


Supply only – you build with our technical back up and site visits.

Shuttering Systems PSS Services
PSS Design Work

Steel reinforcement design with Professional Indemnity Insurance

For building regulations submission, our engineers will design the steel reinforcement and structural calculations.

A full set of steel reinforcement working drawings will be provided for site operatives.

PSS Design Work

Insulation to conform with Part L of building regulations

Part L and Approved document L1A outlines the need to make reasonable provision to limit the heat loss from the basin by achieving a u-value of no worse than 0.25Wm2K as calculated according to BS EN ISO 13370.

PSS can provide the correct specification for the insulation material to be used and then a set of Thermal Calculations for Building Regulations approval.

Thermal calculation